Draft Logo

This is my first attempt the the draft logo project. I am still learning the adobe illustrator system though. My topic is about me and I wanted to make a logo that could be connected to me and be easy to identify. I had no clue where to start and it was recommended by the professor to use our initials. I tried to incorporate my name in a creative way.

My name is Bailey Opal Carr and I used my first name so it could stand out, white against the black, and my last name with the shape of the car. Though they are spelt differently it still gets the point across! The car is black so they do not get mixed together.

I used the rectangular tool to make all of the shapes incorporated with the car, no images were used. The I altered all of the shapes by making the lines curved and changing the size. I also used the shape builder tool. Then I used the no boarder option and set the filler color to black.

I have a lot more work to do still and will be using more colors and a different font. I may also add lights to the car and windows. I will be using all of the advice I receive during peer review to make this logo a better representation of myself.

4 thoughts on “Draft Logo

  1. Hi Bailey! Great job on your first attempt at a logo, I really enjoyed it! At first for some reason it didn’t completely register with me that your last name carr was the reason you used a car, but after reading your blog post I get it and love that idea. I thought you did a great job with using the balance of positive and negative in your image. I liked the way that your logo was straight to the point and communicated your topic very effectively. It looks like you used the tools in Adobe Illustrator well too which I really admire because I know how difficult it is! Overall, really good job! I would just maybe add a bit more color to just add some more visual to the image. Another thing might be to add a shadow or a blur on the car or something to add more effect. Good luck on your final logo!

  2. Your logo looks great! I think using a car in your logo is very creative since your last name is Carr. It would be confusing to someone who didn’t know your last name, but I think it works well. You did a great job using your Illustrator skills! You can easily tell that the shape is of a car. I really like how you made it simple by making the car black and your name in white, making it look more balanced.. Adding yellow like you mentioned would be a nice touch too, as long as it’s not too bright and is simple like the rest of your logo. Overall, you did a great job using Illustrator and I’m sure your final logo will look great as well.

  3. You have a great start on your logo, Bailey! I love the interpretation of your last name – very creative!

    I personally am fond of the silhouette of the car, and I had no identification issues. I’m not sure I have any suggestions for improvement. However, I do agree you should experiment with fonts for the text. Also, instead of using your full name, perhaps you can experiment with the usage of just your initials. I think you can have a very professional looking logo with just a few minor changes.

  4. The feedback from peer review was very helpful. It was nice to see what others thinks my first logo needs to be successful. I will definitely change the font around and possibly change to my initials on the car. Im also glad people saw my use of a car to show my last name Carr. It is very useful to have critiques going into the final draft due later this week!

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