Final Graphic Collage

This is my final product from the original graphic collage draft. It resulted in a very different type of image but that is due to many factors. Mainly, after I analyzed other students drafts I realized we didnt need to make an astonishing photoshop project but simply a group of photos that hold meaning to us. I also lacked the skills with photoshop to make what I originally intended.

I discovered that a more simple collage could be done in many ways after looking at everyones first draft post on wordpress. For me, I am an extremely organized precise persona and the best way for me to illustrate myself in a collage would be in simple clean boxes. That is how I came to the above idea.

Every photo shows a different aspect of my life, and I have taken each one myself. You can see my friends, family, travel photos, high school and even my dog. The black and white helps to make each photo blend together seamlessly. No photo drastically stands out from another based on color or size. I hope that any audience that may come to see this photo can interpret from it that it depicts a young woman’s life.

I went about this collage by choosing the photos that mean the most to me and show my own diversity. Once that was done I uploaded them all into photoshop and made them black and white. I then discovered a template that I thought was very organized  and could fit many photos.

I then dragged each photo and placed them into each arranged box using 50% opacity for the best overall view. After they were all aligned I then went to delete everything that crossed the black boarders. As for the overlapping taking place with each photograph, I used the rectangular marquee tool to delete any parts I didn’t need. Then I colored in the boarder to finish the design.

I really like the way my design has turned out and the things I have come to learn in photoshop the past two weeks!

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