Wrap Up Blog Post

This will be my final blog post for this course and I cannot believe time went by so fast and that I actually survived all of the tutorials and projects. I am technologically deficient and have proven to myself that I can learn new systems and even make projects on my own, which I never thought was possible.

Its difficult to choose my favorite project because I enjoyed learning all the different Adobe systems. The Audition audio project was the one I enjoyed the most. This is because I always thought editing audio was so difficult and I liked being able to cut and edit everything. The project also stood out to me because it was the most personal to me. I compiled interviews from family members to convey a life story about my late grandfather. My grandma really enjoyed the final project and that meant a lot to me!

I would apply all of the skills I learned if I could afford to buy all the systems I learned to use! I did mainly enjoy the tools photoshop and audition though. Adding simple contrasts to photos or music to audio made such a difference in the final products.

My ultimate career path would be to get involved with ethics in the advertising and media field. Though I do not know how I will get involved in that area of work thats what I strive to do. This class showed me how simple it is to plagiarize another persons work and all the legal actions that result. So this course did open my eyes to some things.

Its not a skill but something I think something this class is missing is group work. Yes, it contains peer feedback, but thats not truly combining ideas and skills. Having other students to work with and help with different tutorials or even projects would have been a great resource since I usually had no clue how to use certain tools.

One other note would be that you did a great job as an instructor to provide us all the information we needed in an organized and timely matter. I was able to figure out everything on my own without needing to constantly ask questions so I completed things on my own time!

Final Draft

Story board:

Opening sequence: Title “The Pullman Drive”

Song: Born to Be Wild Steppenwolf

  • Fade in
  • Title shot w/ title and director/ editor
  • Car leaving for the road trip
  • Windmill shot
  • Vantage shot 1
  • Vantage shot 2; bridge in the background
  • Palouse shot
  • Go Cougs Barn View
  • Fade out
  • Music Credit

I wanted to put together a video that wasn’t just about myself. As a student at WSU I wanted to compile something everyone could relate to. Originally I was going to do a story on Tacoma but thought the drive to WSU would be a lot more interesting. I happened to be driving there to move into my apartment and just took some video footage from my friend. Even student can relate that has ever driven to the west side of Washington and it is about that time of year when thousands of people come back to campus.

Besides using the visuals of the amazing scenery between Tacoma and Pullman I added some music. I know first hand that you need some good pumped up music to accompany that drive or you may fall asleep so I searched and searched for a good road trip song and finally settled on “Born to Be Wild.” My first choice of music was “Eye of the Tiger” but it lacked relevance to the topic.

The elements do relate to the topic, which is about me. I make this drive quite often and it truly is a time of excitement back to your college life and friends in Pullman. I also am more of a fan of old school rock and roll as apposed to the stuff often relayed on the radio. You can also look into another aspect of my life in the video clips. We go to a school in the middle of no where, yet the students at WSU each have an amazing experience out there.

Any students could instantly understand the scenery and excitement while any other audience would see a pumped up road trip video. I also accredited the artist I am using the music from at the end of the video.

As for the technical aspects, I used the tools I learned during the tutorials. I uploaded every video and put them in order as you would see them driving west to east. I then edited them and show the scenes I wanted. Muting the original audio I added a song of my choice. The other things added included fade in and out as well as titles and credits that fade. The video does end before reaching Pullman but it was meant to just give a taste of the drive and visual aids. I hoped to just make my audience laugh and think about their own driving experiences to WSU and get excited about returning in a short few weeks!

Draft Video Project

Story board:

Opening sequence: Title “The Pullman Drive”

Song: Eye of the Tiger Instrumental by Survivor

  • Fade in
  • Title shot w/ title and credits
  • Go Cougs Barn View
  • Vantage shot 1
  • Vantage shot 2
  • Vantage shot 3; bridge in the background
  • Palouse shot
  • Windmill shot
  • Fade out
  • Credits

This is my first attempt at making a video. I happened to be driving to WSU and thought the scenery would make an interesting video since everyone is returning to campus in the next few weeks. The music, eye of the tiger, helps to enhance the feeling of excitement everyone feels when driving back to the Pullman campus from the west side. Even to an audience that doesnt know what the college life of students at WSU is like can see the spirit and energy surrounding our campus.

I have a lot of ideas about what I would like to put in the final video. Some of the things I think will greatly add to this video is pictures of actual students on campus or some voices to help convey how much excitement there is upon returning. I know I have a ways to go with making a good final video and look forward to hearing other students feed back and critiques!


Video Raw Footage


These images and video will help me tell a story about my hometown of tacoma, washington.

final audio project

I wanted to tell a story about an event that had a large effect on me and my family. I wanted to put together an audio remembrance of Ron Field, my grandmothers husband who passed away in December. I wanted to interview those closest to him so I used myself, my grandmother and younger brother. I thought formal introductions of our relationship to him would be too confusing so I let the audience figure it out as the story moves along. From the first draft to final I made a few changes.

I added a song that was on an old CD I found in his belongings. Ron lived in Hawaii for ten years and always talked about his time there and had many Hawaiian pictures and artifacts around his home so I saw it fitting. I also added multiple interview footage. The story goes from generically saying who he was to us to who he passed away and finally to what we miss most. Though it is brief I think it gets the story across.

The above elements help tell the audio story of Ron but I think any audience can tell he was loved. The technical aspects were pretty easy since the tutorials showed us all we needed to know. I used the multitrack generator and used the razor to break the interviews into smaller chunks and added the music. I made the music fade in the beginning and end as well as lowered the overall volume of it to allow the voices to stand out.

I am proud of the final result and enjoyed listening and editing around peer critique. I hope the audience will enjoy the final project!


first audio draft

The audio story I am aiming to tell with this post is about my grandfather, Ron Field. Though he was not my grandfather by blood I knew him for 10 years and he had a large impact on my family. I interviewed my grandmother, brother, father and myself to hopefully combine the audio in one big interview.

My goal is to do a life narrative of him and after researching and listening to various audio naratives of peoples lifes I drew some ideas. Most of the stories already online were of famous people and the events in their lives but he wasn’t well known necessarily for anything big so I mainly use his personality to tell the story.

I want to add some kind of music or maybe some sound related to the mariners because that was one of my favorite memories with him going to almost every home game.

I havent put a lot of work into the editing part of the audio yet but will basically mash up all of the interviews so the transition a lot between the people I interviewed.

Hopefully that explains my fist draft and if anyone has any additional ideas to enhance the project I’d love to hear them!

Final Logo

This is my final logo project. After figuring my way through adobe illustrator system I came to this illustration. My topic is about me and I wanted to make a logo that could be connected to me and easy to identify as well as remember. Pretty much the goal of all logos. I had no clue where to start and it was recommended by the professor to use our initials. I tried to incorporate my name in a creative way.

My name is Bailey Opal Carr and I used my first name so it could stand out. I changed the black shown on the draft logo to a pale pink that adds a softer more girly feel. My last name is represented by the car shape.  Though they are spelt differently it still gets the point across! The font was changed also to a more relaxed style. I still stuck with spelling out my first name due to the fact that the other option recommended by peers was using initials which would have been BO, for Bailey Opal, not the best for a logo!

The shape was inspired by the overall shape of cars, which is easily identified in our society. I specifically used google search and looked up “volks wagon beetle shape” for a basic curvy car silhouette.

I used the rectangular tool to make all of the shapes incorporated with the car, no images were used. The I altered all of the shapes by making the lines curved and changing the size. I also used the shape builder tool. Then I used the no boarder option and set the filler color to a shade of pink. For my final design I slightly altered the shape of the car using all the anchors of previous shapes. I hope that it now more closely resembles a car.

I am very proud of this logo and know it can be viewed on a large billboard as well as a small icon!