Wrap Up Blog Post

This will be my final blog post for this course and I cannot believe time went by so fast and that I actually survived all of the tutorials and projects. I am technologically deficient and have proven to myself that I can learn new systems and even make projects on my own, which I never thought was possible.

Its difficult to choose my favorite project because I enjoyed learning all the different Adobe systems. The Audition audio project was the one I enjoyed the most. This is because I always thought editing audio was so difficult and I liked being able to cut and edit everything. The project also stood out to me because it was the most personal to me. I compiled interviews from family members to convey a life story about my late grandfather. My grandma really enjoyed the final project and that meant a lot to me!

I would apply all of the skills I learned if I could afford to buy all the systems I learned to use! I did mainly enjoy the tools photoshop and audition though. Adding simple contrasts to photos or music to audio made such a difference in the final products.

My ultimate career path would be to get involved with ethics in the advertising and media field. Though I do not know how I will get involved in that area of work thats what I strive to do. This class showed me how simple it is to plagiarize another persons work and all the legal actions that result. So this course did open my eyes to some things.

Its not a skill but something I think something this class is missing is group work. Yes, it contains peer feedback, but thats not truly combining ideas and skills. Having other students to work with and help with different tutorials or even projects would have been a great resource since I usually had no clue how to use certain tools.

One other note would be that you did a great job as an instructor to provide us all the information we needed in an organized and timely matter. I was able to figure out everything on my own without needing to constantly ask questions so I completed things on my own time!

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